Why Trump will win, part 2 - InvestingChannel

Why Trump will win, part 2

In an earlier post, I explained one reason why Trump will win. But the ineptness of the Biden campaign is so comical that I cannot help piling on a bit. Consider this tweet by Matt Yglesias:

CNN is generally a fairly left-of-center network, and yet even they report this news in a way that helps the Trump campaign. You don’t see Fox News spinning the news in a pro-Biden direction. (Fox reporters seem to think the economy is in the midst of another Great Depression.) If this is the coverage Biden can expect from the left, he’s got no chance.

Here’s another:

So a candidate who is campaigning on a viciously anti-Muslim platform, which includes a proposal to ban visitors from Muslim countries (and from Gaza), is about to be supported by America’s Muslim leadership.

Remember those TV commercials where an old person would say “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”? That’s what Biden reminds me of. It’s mind-boggling to see such an inept campaign from a leading political party. I’m old enough to recall when the Dems would nominate skilled politicians (Clinton, Obama, etc.)

When the public is in a fascist mood, all news helps the fascists. The GOP in Congress refuses to appropriate funds to control the border? That just shows that we need a GOP president, so they won’t be so obstructionist!

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