Nationalism rots your brain - InvestingChannel

Nationalism rots your brain

I don’t think people realize how profoundly nationalism distorts their view of the world. Consider a recent comment in response to my complaint about people’s obsession with the Gaza War:

I suggest you ask a Palestinian for their views.

Maybe he was joking, as from a certain perspective this is an amusing response to my earlier post. But I suspect he was serious. If so, then my response is why the hell would I be more interested in the views of Palestinians than the views of Bolivians? Yeah, the views of Palestinians and Israelis differ, as both groups are nationalistic. Isn’t that the problem? In a rational world, they would not hold different views.

I sympathize with victims everywhere in the world. But the solution is not more nationalism, it’s cosmopolitanism.

The solution is the US, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, London, etc.

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