In an unexpected confirmation of what every thinking person realized upfront, the Guardian reports US 'spied on Binyamin Netanyahu during Iran nuclear deal talks' Despite...
Chris Temple, a friend of mine, and author of the National Investor newsletter is passing my way (Crystal Lake, Illinois) on his annual snowbird trip...
Several readers sent emails prior to the Fed hike on December 16 that the stock market would collapse immediately following a rate hike. I commented...
Illinois Pension Problems MountIllinois' unfunded liabilities have risen ten out of the last eleven years. The only exception was 2011. This was despite massive rallies...
Without providing a link, ZeroHedge posted some comments today regarding "Helicopter Drop Theory" by Willem Buiter, Citibank's Chief Economist.Willem Buiter on Failure of Monetary PolicyWe...
Evolution of ShippingAfter announcing Amazon Prime, free Two-Day Shipping for eligible purchases, Amazon followed up Air Prime, a future delivery system from Amazon designed to...
Creature of Financial Markets Stephen Roach, former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and the firm's chief economist, blasts the Greenspan Fed, the Bernanke Fed, and...