Both gold and silver are getting smoked today, down about 1.5%. You can ponder all you like as to the reason behind the drop. Look no further than the power of fiat currency, backed by the full faith and credit of the US military apparatus.
While you misfits “invest” in bitcoins, the market trends higher daily, taking out gold bugs and curb stomping them until their jaws break off their faces.
I strongly advise you to avoid buying the dips in precious metals. The central banks have complete control of the markets now and have brought “stability” to the commodity markets too. They want it all, higher asset prices without the side effects of inflation. You’d think when a central bank creates new currency out of thin air, it would give life to inflation, most readily seen through commodities. Well, that might happen one day down the road. But for now, commodities are contained and alternative forms of currency are–essentially– in the fag box.