In the year of our lord, 2014, the following things will happen.
The S&P 500 will rise by another 30%, twisting short sellers into tight balls of yarn to be kicked to and fro down the sewer drain.
Gold will break $1,000 to the downside, which will force many miners into receivership.
BBRY will teeter with bankruptcy.
The Dry Bulk Index will lift above $10,000, making the shipping sector the very best investments for 2014.
BALT will triple in value.
Solar will continue to trade up.
Oil will lift to $120.
Natural gas will be rangebound between $3-5.
Bill Ackman will get his revenge, as all nerds tend to do. HLF will trade down by more than 50% in 2014.
Carl Icahn will liquidate his entire NFLX position.
Apple will trade at all-time highs.
The Chinese market will rise by 50%.
Asian stocks will outperform Europe and be in-line with America.
Hong Kong will outperform every industrialized country in the world.
No one will care about the dollar or the yen. The headlines will be fixed on Bitcoin, which will top out at 3,000 and crash mightily to nothing at all–zero.
Biotech will continue to outperform, fueled by mergers and acquisitions.
MLNX will be acquired.
RAX will go private.
VMW will be acquired.
CRM will be acquired.
FB will trade to $75.
TWTR will trade in a range from $35-70.
YELP will break $100.
LNKD will trade to $350.
Margin levels will continue to hit new highs, and wealth will be generated at a franticly fantastic pace– thanks to gains in equities.
XIV will return over 100% again.
“The Fly” is going to win, again and again and again.
That is all. It has been written. It shall be so.