B Riley chairman purchased $2,361,528 in shares, while a Fortive VP sold $69,584 in shares
Welcome to “Fly Insider,” The Fly’s weekly recap of notable insider stock transactions.
NOTABLE INSIDER PURCHASES: Significant insider purchases reported in the prior week from February 28 through March 4 include:
Chairman of B Riley Financial (RILY) Bryant Riley purchased 85,000 shares of company stock at $58.71 per share for a total transaction amount of $2,361,528
Shareholder of Cytek BioSciences (CTKB) RA Capital purchased 441,865 shares of company stock for $12.95 per share for a total transaction amount of $5,721,931
Beneficial Owner of Archer Aviation (ACHR) Marc Lore purchased 315,909 shares of company stock at $3.04 per share for a total transaction amount of $960,111
VP of Ball Corp (BLL) Stacey Panayiotou purchased 6,000 shares of company stock at $88.91 per share for a total transaction amount of $533,454
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