$28 Trillion "Internal Problem"The blue ribbon award for ridiculous comment of the day goes to Ben Bernanke who dismissed China's $28 trillion debt pile as...
Sudden Belief in AbenomicsTraders are increasingly betting that Japanese prime minister Shinzō Abe will not follow through on his plans to do whatever it takes...
Italian Banks HammeredThings don't matter until they do. For whatever reason, things in Europe are starting to matter. For example, Bloomberg reports Italian Banks Lead...
Here's a Gallup Poll headline that plays straight into Donald Trump's hands: Majority in U.S. Now Dissatisfied With Security From Terrorism.Trends in Satisfaction2012: 72% Satisfied2013:...
Energy-Related Losses MountBank loan loss impairments related to the energy sector are set to rise rapidly.Banks have made drilling loans to companies that are only...
Last Autumn, the European Commission and Agela Merkel hatched a plan to redistribute 160,000 migrants from overloaded countries to countries less overloaded.Results so far: 272...