Here’s Emily Peck in Axios:
A handful of prominent male economists, including former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, are freaking out — mostly on Twitter — about a weekend New York Times profile of economist Stephanie Kelton, known for her work on Modern Monetary Theory, or MMT. . . .
And the gender dynamics — male economists piling on against a female economist and a female journalist, Times’ reporter Jeanna Smialek, in ways distinctive from typical academic arguments — look terrible here. . . .
What they’re saying: “I am sorry to see the @nytimes taking MMT seriously as an intellectual movement. It is the equivalent of publicizing fad diets, quack cancer cures or creationist theories,” Summers tweeted.
Noah Smith, a well-known economist and former Bloomberg columnist, wrote a Substack post calling the article “bad.”
The NYT article was bad, as are many of their articles on macroeconomics. The same snobbish establishment paper that criticizes all of the junk science on Covid and climate change reported in the conservative media is quite willing to give credence to junk science in economics.
As for Noah Smith, all I can say is that I know how he feels.