FHFA: House Prices increase 0.6% in November, Up 5.6% Year-over-year - InvestingChannel

FHFA: House Prices increase 0.6% in November, Up 5.6% Year-over-year

From the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA): FHFA House Price Index Up 0.6 Percent in November

U.S. house prices rose 0.6 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis from October to November, according to the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s monthly House Price Index (HPI). The previously reported 0.5 percent increase in October was revised upward to a 0.6 percent increase. For the 12 months ending in November, U.S. prices rose 5.6 percent.

This monthly index is for loans owned or guaranteed by Fannie or Freddie.

It appears price were up around 6% in 2012 on the repeat sales indexes (Case-Shiller, Corelogic, etc).   The Case-Shiller index for November will be released next Tuesday, January 29th.

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