The Dick Cheney-Syria Oil Connection - InvestingChannel

The Dick Cheney-Syria Oil Connection

It appears there may be some energy sources in Syria that I was unaware of previously. They are in the Golan Heights area of Syria, now occupied by Israel. Dick Cheney is in the picture.

Please consider Cheney-Linked Company to Drill in Occupied Golan Heights.

The Israeli government awarded a local subsidiary of U.S.-based Genie Energy the rights to explore for oil and natural gas in about 150 square miles of the southern section of the Golan Heights.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said keeping Blue Helmets stationed in the area was essential to peace given the potential for conflict spilling out of the Syrian civil war. Genie Energy said there may be a significant amount of oil and natural gas in the license area. When Israel set its sights on offshore natural gas, Hezbollah warned that Israel shouldn’t encroach on Lebanese territory. If recent concerns about Hezbollah’s influence are any indication, the Shiite resistance movement may focus its guns onshore amid expanding Israeli energy interests. With former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney serving as an adviser to Genie, however, the implications may go beyond immediate worries over Hezbollah.

Genie Energy said there may be “significant quantities” of natural resources in the region. The license area encompasses about 150 square miles of the southern portion of the Golan Heights, considered territory occupied by the Israeli military.

“Genie Energy intends to conduct an exploration program to further investigate the size and quality of the resource in the new license area,” the company explained in a statement.

Dick Cheney is serving as an adviser to Genie as it plans work in an area encompassing about 30 percent of the Golan Heights.

Also consider Separating Politics and War From Oil and the Economy

Mike “Mish” Shedlock

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