We All Are Complicit in the Horror that is Gaza - InvestingChannel

We All Are Complicit in the Horror that is Gaza

The great Yitzhak Rabin has been long forgotten, assassinated by the Israeli ultranationalist, Yigal Amir–a forerunner of the cruel Zionist Netanyahu and the she-devil, Knesset member Aylet Shaked.  But the Zionist hard right would not have risen to power if it had not had help from the West. Among those who blindly walk behind the Israeli tanks, the bombers, the gunships that now plow a bloody path through Gaza are The New York Times whose coverage consistently echoes Zionist talking points; the mad Christian right who proudly tours illegal settlements, praying nightly for the Second Coming; and Republican and Democratic senators that simply cannot give Israel enough weaponry and take as gospel anything the Zionists say.

What senator or Congressman has really raised his or her voice against the settlements?  You know, coupled his objections to withholding foreign aid? What senator or Congressman supports the latest Netanyahu claim that the Palestinians are cleverly using the telegenically dead to bulk the body count? What senator, Congressman, President, or Prime Minister or Secretary of State has called such a remark as obscene? Has The New York Times?

Here is one of the most recent New York Times front page lead-ins:

Casualties grew on both sides as the Israeli military pressed on with its campaign at quelling rocket fire into Israel and exposing and destroying tunnels.

“…grew on both sides”? Really? Relative body count, please. Are we to believe that this is a thunderous battle of equals? No hint of a massacre? Hospitals collapsing, women and children dying?

And just how many Hamas rockets really hit Israel? Can we have an Israeli civilian death count, please?  And why are Israeli’s sitting on hillsides watching the action in Gaza? Be sure to report the dangerous donkey-bombs as they meander through narrow dirt tunnels.  Listen for the tell-tale braying.  One donkey bomb equals how many tanks?

Maybe we should discuss the consequences of a tank, rocket, gunship, and bomber invasion of in small and crowded civilian area, population 1.7 million, smaller than one-third the size of NYC. Are you ready, New York City? All exits have been closed.  And, by the way, a blockade tightly controls importation of your fuel and medicine, along with any other necessities of life.

All this nonsense about body shields? Laughable.  Are we to take this seriously? Has our demonization of Hamas gone this far?  When tanks roll, bombs fall, and flechettes fly, everyone runs.  And where can they run?  Like shooting fish in a barrel with a shotgun.

The New York Times slurs the facts in favor of the now hard right Zionist leadership. How quickly The New York Times forgets principles and panders to the cruel and the merciless. A once great newspaper, a paper that once could speak truth to power, has, in this regard, become a hand-puppet to monsters.

It does not take much to understand the Zionist end game. Kill enough Palestinians to make them flee Palestine or simply eradicate them, slowly but effectively. In short, genocide.

Ayled Shaked, a member of the Knesset and one of the leaders of Jewish Home Party, has called for Palestinian genocide, loudly and clearly.

Aylet Shaked of the ultra-nationalist Jewish Home Party called for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to “little snakes.”

“They have to die and their houses should be demolished so that they cannot bear any more terrorists,” Shaked said, adding, “They are all our enemies and their blood should be on our hands. This also applies to the dead terrorists.”

Is there any dissent?  How about from a Clinton?  an Obama? the GOP?  Democrats?. Forget the Christian right: It is marching lock step beside Aylet, hoping the Zionists set the stage for the Second Coming.  And The New York Times studiously ignores such barbarity.

This is one piece of news that will never fit its print. Maybe The New York Times should read what the Prime Minister of Turkey, a once strong supporter of Israel, had to say about Ayled’s insane remarks. Apparently, the Prime Minister of Turkey is far more attentive than The New York Times–or any other Western leader.

The point is simple: If you continue to turn a blind eye to Zionist’s aims, methods, and logic, how can you not be complicit in its slaughter, in its cruel and merciless displacement of a people? And, before you drag out all this foolishness about Hamas, its tunnels, its rockets. its donkey-bombs: What exactly would you do if someone bulldozed your home, told you to get lost, and built a new settlement on its ruins? And repeatedly did the same to all your friends?  And then labeled any resistance as terrorism.  Call them, “Good Guys?”

(“Terrorist” has become the simple-minded catch word for anyone who disagrees with us.  Only the slow-witted should be tricked by its use.  Think twice before you label someone a terrorist; when you do, you immediately make any mutual understanding or rapprochement impossible.  Your only aim is down the barrel of a gun.  Netanyahu learned this trick a long time ago…and gullible Western politicians listened. After 911–and Palestinians sorrowed for our lost, Congressmen traveled to the Middle East to try to understand why people would hate us so much.  Netanyahu taught us his terrorists were our terrorists.  He knew 911 was a wind-fall to his cause.)

The New York Times has great company in NBC.  The NBC recalled Ayman Mohyeldin, its correspondent that broke the story of the four children killed on the Gaza beach–victims of an Israeli naval bombardment. Embarrassing news.  Ayman made too much noise.  People actually started to pay attention. NBC, we are told, recalled him for security reasons; but, surprisingly enough, he was immediately replaced with someone who knows no Arabic and has never been to Gaza. The new guy will certainly never venture to the beaches of Gaza. Maybe he’ll headquarter in Tel Aviv?

Has The New York Times reported on Israeli use of flechette shells? You know, the kind that spray thousands of tiny potentially lethal metal darts? Nope.  They work great in the jungle.

Ayled willingly wants the blood on her hands. Netanyahu hides the blood with comments about the telegenically dead, covers his tracks with comments about pin-point targeting Hamas tunnels and donkeys as he bombs hospitals and beaches.

Representatives Louie Gohmert, John Fleming, Randy Forbes, and Jim Jordan along with Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council may well be cheering: More settlements in the offing. The more settlements, the closer we all are to the Second Coming! They really do think they can affect God’s schedule? Bright-eyed and proud, right-thinking Christian Zionists  simply cannot have enough blood spilt to suit their ends.

Face it: A U.S. politician’s bona fides is measured by his or her support of the latest incarnation of Zionism. Congress and the Senate must be proud to be in the same camp as the Family Research Council and the Religious Home Party…helping God manage the universe so that the good guys win. Our unthinking and collective support of an ugly form of religious Zionism abroad has poisoned our foreign policy throughout the Middle East and beyond. Since when do religious zealots abroad or at home define our foreign policy and our national interest? They have led us down a dangerous path.

Each time an innocent is murdered in the name of righteousness, an implacable enemy will arise from its ashes. When our foreign policy, our newsrooms, our politicians become mindless supporters of a murderous regime, all its implacable enemies will become our enemies.  We will label its terrorists, our terrorists.  We will lose any hope of justice or peace or rapprochement.  Our idealistic young will leave us.  We will fight an endless war.  The price of that war will be incalculable.

Time to wake up.

Note: Headlines are changing rapidly. The slant does not. As of one look The New Times claimed that at least 87 Palestinians have died. At the same time, trusted and realistic sources put Palestinian fatalities at 347…and rising…wounded, 2,700 and rising. Maybe by today, The New York Times really has its facts–but of course not its slant–right.

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