Sunday Night Futures - InvestingChannel

Sunday Night Futures

Joe Weisenthal at Business Insider does a great job of tying together some of my recent posts on demographics (Thanks Joe!): The Analyst Who Nailed The Housing Crash Is Quietly Revealing The Next Big Thing.

Weisenthal concludes with some very interesting analysis from Matt Busigin:

And while we’re talking about housing, we should also take just a minute to talk about inflation. Matt Busigin wrote a great piece last year, talking about the non-monetary causes of inflation, and how demographics is a much bigger driver of inflation than people realize. Many of the same factors discussed above could contribute to higher inflation, as a younger workforce moves into its first homes and first cars, and has real buying power for the first time.

• At 3:15 AM ET, Speech by Fed Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer, The Great Recession: Moving Ahead, At the Swedish Ministry of Finance Conference: The Great Recession – Moving Ahead, Stockholm, Sweden

Schedule for Week of Aug 10th

From CNBC: Pre-Market Data and Bloomberg futures: the S&P futures are flat and DOW futures are up 12 (fair value).

Oil prices were down slightly over the last week with WTI futures at $97.67 per barrel and Brent at $104.91 per barrel.  A year ago, WTI was at $104, and Brent was at $109 – so prices are down a little year-over-year.

Below is a graph from for nationwide gasoline prices. Nationally prices are around $3.47 per gallon (down about a dime from a year ago).  If you click on “show crude oil prices”, the graph displays oil prices for WTI, not Brent; gasoline prices in most of the U.S. are impacted more by Brent prices.

Orange County Historical Gas Price Charts Provided by

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