U.S. Light Vehicle Sales decrease to 17.15 million annual rate in April - InvestingChannel

U.S. Light Vehicle Sales decrease to 17.15 million annual rate in April

Based on a preliminary estimate from AutoData, light vehicle sales were at a 17.15 million SAAR in April.

That is up 1% year-over-year from April 2017, and down 1.4% from last month.

Vehicle Sales
Click on graph for larger image.

This graph shows the historical light vehicle sales from the BEA (blue) and an estimate for April (red, light vehicle sales of 17.15 million SAAR  from AutoData).

This was slightly above the consensus forecast for April.

Note that the increase in sales at the end of 2017 was due to buying following the hurricanes.

Sales will probably move sideways or decline in 2018 after setting new sales records in both 2015 and 2016.

Vehicle SalesThe second graph shows light vehicle sales since the BEA started keeping data in 1967.

Note: dashed line is current estimated sales rate.

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