Tuesday: Job Openings, ISM non-Mfg Survey - InvestingChannel

Tuesday: Job Openings, ISM non-Mfg Survey

From Matthew Graham at Mortgage News Daily: Mortgage Rates Continue Higher

Mortgage rates continued higher, adding onto a trend that began last Wednesday. A day earlier, rates hit their best levels in more than a month due to political risks in Europe. The trend back toward higher rates has coincided with the defusing of those risks. [30YR FIXED – 4.625%-4.75%]
emphasis added

• At 8:00 AM ET, Corelogic House Price index for April.

• At 10:00 AM, Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey for April from the BLS.

• Also at 10:00 AM, the ISM non-Manufacturing Index for May. The consensus is for index to increase to 58.0 from 56.8 in April.

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