Fannie and Freddie: Combined REO inventory declined in Q2, Down 18% Year-over-year - InvestingChannel

Fannie and Freddie: Combined REO inventory declined in Q2, Down 18% Year-over-year

Fannie and Freddie earlier reported results for Q2 2019. Here is some information on Real Estate Owned (REOs).

Freddie Mac reported the number of REO declined to 5,869 at the end of Q2 2019 compared to 7,135 at the end of Q2 2018.

For Freddie, this is down 92% from the 74,897 peak number of REOs in Q3 2010.

Fannie Mae reported the number of REO declined to 17,913 at the end of Q2 2019 compared to 22,007 at the end of Q2 2018.

For Fannie, this is down 89% from the 166,787 peak number of REOs in Q3 2010.

Fannie and Freddie REO Click on graph for larger image.

Here is a graph of Fannie and Freddie Real Estate Owned (REO).

REO inventory decreased in Q2 2019, and combined inventory is down 18% year-over-year.

This is close to normal levels of REOs.

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