Black Knight: Number of Homeowners in COVID-19-Related Forbearance Plans Declines Slightly for the third consecutive week - InvestingChannel

Black Knight: Number of Homeowners in COVID-19-Related Forbearance Plans Declines Slightly for the third consecutive week

Note: Both Black Knight and the MBA (Mortgage Bankers Association) are putting out weekly estimates of mortgages in forbearance.

From Black Knight:

The number of homeowners in active forbearance fell again this week. Overall, the number of active forbearance plans is down 57K from last week, and 158K from the peak the week of May 22.

Black Knight ForbearanceClick on graph for larger image.

As of June 16, 4.6 million homeowners remain in forbearance plans, representing 8.7% of all active mortgages, down from 8.8% last week. Together, they represent just over $1 trillion in unpaid principal ($1,012B). Some 6.8% of all GSE-backed loans and 12.1% of all FHA/VA loans are currently in forbearance plans.
emphasis added

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