Black Knight: Number of Homeowners in COVID-19-Related Forbearance Plans Decreased - InvestingChannel

Black Knight: Number of Homeowners in COVID-19-Related Forbearance Plans Decreased

Note: Both Black Knight and the MBA (Mortgage Bankers Association) are putting out weekly estimates of mortgages in forbearance.

This data is as of June 29th.

From Andy Walden at Black Knight: Mild Forbearance Improvement as Quarterly Reviews Continue

As we mentioned last week, there were still more than 300,000 homeowners in forbearance whose plans were scheduled for review by the end of June. Well, of the roughly 146,000 plans reviewed for extension or removal over the past week, 44,000 homeowners left forbearance, while the plans of the other 102,000 were extended.

All in all, we wound up with a net decline of 6,000 plans. Not overly impactful, but it does set us up nicely for what could be a larger improvement next week as some 218,000 plans were still scheduled for review by Wednesday, June 30.

Our weekly snapshots run through Tuesday, though. As of June 29, our McDash Flash daily loan-level performance dataset showed 2.05 million homeowners – representing 3.9% of mortgaged properties – remaining in COVID-19 related forbearance plans.

Black Knight ForbearanceClick on graph for larger image.

This puts the overall number of active plans down 145,000, a 6.6% decline from the same time last month with the rate of improvement picking up from 6% last week and 5.4% the week before.

A 5,000 reduction in the number of active GSE forbearance plans and a 2,000 drop in FHA/VA plans were partially offset by a rise of 1,000 among portfolio and privately held mortgages.

Plan starts continued to fall over the last seven days. In fact, last week saw the lowest total starts in five weeks (since the shortened business week of Memorial Day). There have been about 9% fewer starts over the last four weeks than there were in the preceding four-week period..
emphasis added

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